SimInsights exhibits at the Defense Manufacturing Conference in Tampa



SimInsights exhibited the HyperSkill platform and multiple successful projects at the Defense Manufacturing Conference (DMC2022) in Tampa Florida (Dec 5 – 8). Partnering with the ARM Institute . SimInsights representatives provide live demonstrations of Virtual Reality Based Robotic Technician Assessment for credentialing as well as other successful projects. More pictures from the event are available here. The VR assessment project and others like it demonstrate the feasibility of high-quality assessment using innovative VR/AR and AI technologies. These projects also highlight the promise of scaling up these types of assessments to build a “Metaverse for Skills”. The Metaverse for skills is a collection of VR/AR simulation based assessments and training modules targeting a range of careers in robotics and other industries. Such a collection will add societal value by expanding access and promoting equity which is fundamental for equipping the workforce with in-demand skills today and in the future.

Access, equity and cost-savings are great benefits but to realize them, the metaverse for skills must satisfy at the following three conditions:
  • Must have fidelity: The simulation must be an accurate reproduction of the real work environment otherwise it will fail to train people on skills that transfer effectively from simulation to real world (sim to real). If this condition is not satisfied, the metaverse for skills will fail to deliver compelling value.
  • Must provide actionable data and insights: VR is able to capture very fine grained data on learners’ performance. This data must be analyzed to extract insights that help trainers take informed actions to help learners of all skill levels, in order to maximize equity. 
  • Must be easy to use: In today’s fast changing economy, everything needs to be constantly updated. The metaverse for skills must be easy to update and maintain, and should not require programming skills otherwise it will not be cost-effective and will not maximize access.

HyperSkill was designed from the ground up to satisfy these requirements and has been delivering value to customers in a range of industries.